Friday, April 6, 2018

Cyril of Jerusalem, Lecture 3

Cyril of Jerusalem

Lecture 3

“Or do you not know that all we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?  Were buried therefore with Him by our baptism into death….” — Romans 6:3-4

Summary: Baptism is the enactment of an event of spiritual death and burial, made effectual for sincere people by the Spirit.

Preview: 1.  Rejoice: for these are about to be cleansed with spiritual hyssop; to be united to the Bridegroom; the Spirit’s election according to faith; the wealth of the soul in godliness.  2.  Take away all obstacles and stumbling blocks; cleansed for reception of the Holy Ghost; washed by faith and repentance; come to the figurative wedding wearing a clean garment of grace about to be given.  3.  Each is about to be presented to the Angelic Hosts; be ready, be equipped with piety of soul and conscience: for the Spirit is about to seal your souls with a new power of holiness.  4.  Man is both soul and body; as the water cleanses the body, the Spirit seals the soul, that you may draw near to God; so, do not look for the bare element, but for the power of the Holy Ghost; lest being found unworthy of the Spirit receive not the grace; the soul being born again by faith, the body also might partake of the grace.  5.  But, why water?  Because water is noblest of the four visible elements: source of heaven and earth, beginning of creation and Gospel, making of the covenant, Elias’ up-taking, Aaron’s priesthood, a symbol of Baptism in the Tabernacle.  6.  Baptism is the end of the Old Testament, and beginning of the New; as John was end of the Prophets, yet, first-fruit of the Gospel; John is greater than: Elias, Enoch, Moses, all born of women; John a man of: no wealth, desert dwelling, locust and honey eating, wearing a camelhair garment, still loved mankind; yet, sanctified by the Holy Ghost, recognized, before his birth, his Master; since Baptism is a great grace, so is its founder.  7.  [John] baptized all Jerusalem, the first-fruit of baptism, in Jordan; confessing sins, they showed their wounds, he applied remedies; believers received redemption from eternal fire; vipers fled the coming wrath, they cast their old skin, as we put off the old man by fasting; for hypocrites, the axe is laid to the root of the tree, put away your hypocrisy.  8.  Bring the fruit of repentance, show mercy to the poor, enjoy the grace of the Spirit, wash off the former corruption; be sanctified; “persistent wickedness is condemned.”  9.  The Son Himself is the glory of baptism; greater than John, as the Word is greater than a voice, as the King than the herald; noble was baptism with water; yet, nothing compared to Holy Ghost and fire.  10.  Only the baptized and martyrs can be saved: for His side shed blood and water; martyrs being baptized in their own blood, the rest in water; all with confession.  11.  Jesus sanctified baptism by being baptized; who then despises baptism?  He was baptized to give grace; we, partakers of that grace: wherein we receive salvation and honor.  He broke the dragon, the strong one, that we might tread on serpents; the mouth of Death was stopped, the sting of death was drawn by baptism.  12.  You go down in the water dead in sins; you come up alive in righteousness; united to the Savior’s death, as well as His resurrection; buried in water, raised in new life.  13.  He “gives strength to wrestle against adverse powers: for being armed, you must do battle.  14.  Jesus did not preach the Gospel until after His baptism; this is the due order we should follow; the Spirit descended visibly for John’s benefit; so the Spirit descends an all with unfeigned piety; The Father’s voice says to us this is made My son: for is My Son belongs only to Jesus; He eternally by nature; but, we by adoption.  15.  Ready the vessel to become son, heir, and joint-heir; if preparing, if believing, if putting off the old man: for repentance cleanses even Christ’s murderers.  “O unspeakable loving-kindness of God!”  Without hope they were made worth of the Holy Ghost by baptism.  16.  Take courage Jerusalem; the Lord will wash by the Spirit of judgment and burning; He will sprinkle you to cleanse you; angels will dance; Who “comes up in white array”; the slave is made child; by water and the Spirit; bring forth fruit unto good works, blameless beside the Bridegroom; remitted of all sins by God.

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