Saturday, April 7, 2018

Cyril of Jerusalem, Lecture 4, Part A, revised

Cyril of Jerusalem

Lecture 4, Part A

“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world….” — Colossians 2:8

Summary: Baptism begins a living relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; Which are together One God, equally possessing One Godhood or nature.  Be armed with the Creed against deception.

Preview: 1.  “Vice mimics virtue”; tares strive to be like wheat; Satan appears as an angel of light; wolves dress in sheep’s clothing; yet, claws and teeth are not disguised; grace and sobriety are needed to avoid eating tares, becoming prey to the wolf, being devoured by the Devil.  2.  Godliness consists of pious doctrine, and virtuous practice; doctrine is not acceptable apart from good works; acceptable works are perfected by pious doctrine; doctrine is not profitable for corrupt behavior; philosophy and vain deceit make spoil of souls: the Greeks by smooth tongues, the Jews by twisted Scripture.  “Take heed lest any man mislead you.”  This is the reason for the teaching of the Creed and for expositions upon it.[i]  3.  Introduces “a short summary of necessary doctrines.”

Ⅰ.  Of God.

4.  God is One: not begotten, beginning, changing; He is good and Just; undivided; One Creator, One Father, One Son.[ii]  5.  He is without boundary, limit, or superior; He foreknows all, is mightier than all, and does as He will; He is not subject to sequences of events, nativity, chance, or fate; He possesses every virtue in absolute perfection, neither decreasing nor increasing.  6.  Seeing that many have gone astray on various detours; lay a foundation of God’s unity in your hearts and souls by faith.

Ⅱ.  Of Christ.[iii]

7.  Believe also in the Son, “Who is in all things like to Him that begot”; for He received His crown by Being, not by doing, by eternal generation, “being God and Wisdom and Power”; “lacking nothing in the dignity of the Godhead[iv]”; equal in knowledge with the Father.  8.  The Son is neither to be separated from nor confused with the Father; of One God, there is [also] God the Word the Son who hears the Father; not being impersonal.

Ⅲ.  Concerning His Birth of the Virgin.

9.  This Only-begotten Son of God descended from heaven to earth; took upon Himself a human nature; begotten by the Holy Ghost and the Virgin Mary; not by show, but in truth; made man, made flesh; thus, Christ was of two natures: visible man; yet, invisible God; as man — eating, dying, asleep in the ship; as God — feeding multitudes by miracles, resurrecting [Lazarus], walking on water.

Ⅳ.  Of the Cross.

10.  Crucified for our sins, witnessed by Golgotha, the Cross, the Creation, the sun.

Ⅴ.  Of His Burial.

11.  Truly buried in rock; yet, rocks were rent; descended into [hell], to redeem the righteous [dead]; freeing Adam, Esaias, David, Samuel, the Prophets, John, and all such as these.

Ⅵ.  Of the Resurrection.

12.  He Who descended into [Hell], Who was buried, raised on the third day; if the Jews contest this, remind them of Jonah, and Elisha; seen by the twelve; are you still incredulous?

Ⅶ.  Concerning the Ascension.

13.  Jesus finished His Course; ascended with angels, Apostles watching; the power of kings is extinguished in death; but, the world worships and devils tremble before the crucified Christ.  14.  Be not ashamed of the cross of Christ; seal it on your forehead; make this sign eating, drinking, sitting, lying, standing, speaking, walking, at every act: for the Crucified is in heaven, where He sits at the Father’s right hand.

Ⅷ.  Of Judgement to Come.

15.  He will come again from heaven; appearing brighter than light, attended by angels, to judge both living and dead; reigning over the endless and eternal heavenly kingdom.

Ⅸ.  Of the Holy Ghost.

16.  Believe in the Holy Ghost as same as the Father and the Son; One, indivisible, powerful; Who searches all things, descended in the form of a dove, wrought in Law an Prophets; seals your soul at baptism; for Whose blaspheme there is no forgiveness; Who as the Father and the Son together, is honored with Godhood as One God.[v]

[i] Note that at least part of Catechesis is teaching the Creed.

[ii] One has to work deviously to derive any form of Arianism or Semi-Arianism from this sort of statement.

[iii] We added all the Roman numerals after Ⅰ, in order to clarify the outline.

[iv] Godhood or God’s essence in more modern English.

[v] The true meaning of Godhead is Godhood or essence of God.

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