Monday, July 16, 2018

Bibles, Text



Which Text
Can we trust the text of our modern bibles?  Which text is that?  There are hundreds of manuscripts from which to choose.  There are several text type families, and sub families, two of them major: each requiring experts to decode.

What Language
What language do we even mean?  There is no evidence that paleo-Hebrew existed before 1000 BC.  What ever will we do with Moses (1406-1366 BC)?  Will we conclude with liberals that Moses is a fabrication and a fraud?  Or will we consider the very real probability that Moses wrote in a different language: say Akkadian, the era and location front runner.  If Moses wrote in Akkadian, a cuneiform language, then neither paleo-Hebrew, nor Hebrew are “spiritual” languages: the only languages in which Scripture can be written.  What we call Hebrew today is really block Aramaic script re-recording previous paleo-Hebrew documents after 516 BC: the Jews learned the new language while they were exiled in Babylon: by that time the Jews had left Yahweh and He had left them, except for a few notable prophets: there was no presence of Glory in the second temple until Christ came to it.  Which of these paleo-Hebrew, or Hebrew manuscripts even survives?  Precious few of them.  The Dead Sea Scrolls have a very uncertain provenance, and narrowing scope (look them up).  Which of these paleo-Hebrew, or Hebrew manuscripts is inerrant?  None of them; all of them are copies.  What language do we even mean?  Most certainly, not Hebrew.

Can we trust the voice of Judaism which has fought against Christ and Christianity from 4 BC, down through the ages?  Absolutely not!  The Apostle John, writing in 1 John 2:20-28, has already concluded that Judaism is fundamentally against Christ.  By what authority, right, or warrant do we dare to reverse John’s ruling on this matter?  We have no such authority.

The Only Authority
Or must we trust Christ, Who, by all indications placed His stamp of approval on the Greek Old Testament?  If Christ and the Spirit, coming from the Father are the One(s) we must trust, then the Septuagint is what we must trust.  So, if we’re not involved in Septuagint studies, one way or another, were not using what Christ handed on to us: there are Septuagint translations of varying quality available.  Which of these Septuagint manuscripts is inerrant?  Not one; as far as we know, all are copies: not a single original survives.

Delegation of Authority
To whom did Christ delegate the authority to keep the Bible in the best possible condition down through the ages?  The Twelve Apostles, who delegated this trust to the Early Church.  For me, the best and simplest course of action is to cling as tightly as possible to what the Early Church handed down, and ask the Spirit to teach that to us.  Without this Old Testament, there can be no New Testament: for this Septuagint Old Testament was the Bible of the early New Testament Church: the New Testament was written from the foundation of this Septuagint Old Testament.  Can we trust the Septuagint?  Yes, we must trust the Septuagint: for it preserves readings that did not even exist in Hebrew prior to 1000 BC; for it is, according to all available evidence, the document which Crist endorses.

Remaining Difficulties
Does this simplify the difficulty of handling very many manuscripts, which are not all in perfect agreement?  No, it still requires dozens of experts to classify, decode, interpret, and verify these manuscripts.  Yes, these experts seem to change their opinions about the text every year.  Yes, this is still a confusing mess to clergy and laity alike: for few of us have the skills or the tools to cope with this complexity.  Nevertheless, in spite of what the experts claim, the Early New Testament Church is to be trusted as the faithful instrument of perpetuating God’s words on earth.  Therefore, the Septuagint is to be trusted because the Early New Testament Church says so.

The Only Power
If we have any doubts above and beyond this; we have direct access to the Holy Spirit: so, we should bring all of our concerns to the Spirit first, trusting that He will guide us in the right way.  Then, when the Spirit confirms what the preacher is preaching, and there is broad agreement among the people of God, we begin to have confidence that we are on the right track, in step with the heavenly Church.[i]

Do we have widespread agreement among the people of God, within the churches?  The gift of the Spirit should be the number one issue of agreement.  Close behind the Spirit, should be His teaching of the Septuagint.  In this we should place every confidence.

[i] Decisions were ratified by “The Whole Church”.  While this must mean The Whole Church gathered in Jerusalem; a body of any size statistically reduces the possibility that there will be objection to this decision anywhere: The Whole Church gathered in Jerusalem is a valid random statistical representation of The Whole Church everywhere.  A statistical risk remains; yet, it is very small; the only means to make it better is to publish it to The Whole Church at large.  Acts 15:22

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