Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Cyril of Jerusalem, Personality

Cyril of Jerusalem


St. Cyril is characterized by a pastoral gentleness and tenderness: such that, even when he exhorts or rebukes us, we are encouraged and filled with joy.  St. Cyril is so eloquent, that we would happily name him Chrysostomos (349-407), were that name not already in use; we would present to you Chrysostomos Ⅱ, were it not for the fact that St. Cyril is St. John’s predecessor by nearly forty years, old enough in that era to be St. John’s grandfather: so Chrysostomos the elder will need to suffice.  St. Cyril also was possessed of a generosity akin to St. Nicholas (270-343): for here is one who is guilty of selling church baubles to feed the poor: hence, he may rightly be called Nicholas Ⅱ.[i]  Finally, St. Cyril may be the prophetic precursor of Handel’s Messiah: for as Messiah strings and weaves together, one verse of Scripture after another in wondrous and delightful composition; so, St. Cyril reciting, connects one verse of Scripture after another.  It’s as if he were reciting from a Nave’s Topical Bible or a concordance: we are simply amazed that anyone, extempore, could have such knowledge of the Bible.

[i] We cannot help but admire the spirit of obedience to James 2:16, which St. Nicholas and St. Cyril so evidently shared.  Would to God that such a heart prevailed in the churches today; rather than the all-to-frequent grasping after rank, status, and supremacy… as if the kingdom of God could ever be established by one-up-man-ship.  Incidentally, St. Nicholas is old enough to be St. Cyril’s grandfather.

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