Thursday, March 29, 2018

Cyril of Jerusalem, Originals

Cyril of Jerusalem


We are also searching for St. Cyril’s original language versions: for some of the translation work is suspect, out of character, seemingly incongruous with other content.  However, loading eMule to get such documents has proved to be a problem.

The word whale, relating to Jonah, for example, seems to be an anachronism shared more with the King James linguistics than with any original reality.  Yes, very possibly, the original may have intended a large sea monster, shark, or whale; animal, fish, creature, or miracle: we have no intention of denying the miraculous.  On the other hand, the original idiom could equally indicate the sea itself: a very monstrous creation.  However, we are so enamored of the ridiculous Pinocchio myth, that we are unable to reason clearly.
The other incongruity relates to St. Cyril’s use of the Masoretic Text (TX), which we find out of place; we will deal with this problem in the context of its specific lecture.

These things are, but, tiny fish bones to pick, minor irritants, easily disposed of, in an otherwise very enlightening read.

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