Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Church 2

The Church 2

We have steadfastly defended the idea that Hebrews 12:22-29 constitutes the only absolute and acceptable definition of The Church.  This is the Catholic[1] Church.  This is the Orthodox[2] Church.  There is no other.

But you have come to mount Sion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, who are written in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, which speaks better things than that of Abel.

See that you do not refuse Him that speaks, for if they did not escape, who refused Him that spake on earth; much more, we shall not escape, if we turn away from Him that speaks from heaven: Whose voice then shook the earth: but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also the heavens.”

And this word, “Yet once more,” signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Wherefore, we receiving a kingdom, which cannot be moved.  Let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: for our God is a consuming fire.[3]

This Is The Definition of The Church.

This single passage defines, not only the constitution of The Church, but also its worship, which must be “with reverence and godly fear.”  Now we have no desire to offend anyone with this passage, but our words must be strong words, so we hope that they will not sting too much and that you will eventually grow accustomed to them because Hebrews 12:22-29 is the Word of God, and it is not subject to private human interpretation or negotiation.  It says what it says; and what it says bears the Absolute Authority of Almighty God.

We Regret All Offenses Out of Love.

Nevertheless, we are deeply sorry if we offend anyone.  We want you to know that what we write is out of deep and abiding love for The Church as Hebrews defines it, and the earnest desire for Her fullness and wholeness here on earth.  Fortunately, we can have no doubts about the status of The Church in heaven.  But, “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death:” so, no matter how pathetic our earthly human behavior may be, we have an “anchor for the soul,”[4] and to this anchor we must all cling.  Better yet, we have the assurance that this anchor is fastened to us with a threefold cord, which cannot be broken.  We love The Church because we love Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Ghost; and we are striving to be as obedient to them as we know how to be.  We hope that this mutual love of our God will eventually win the day and draw us together in complete unity.

We want you to know that we write out of love for you as well, so that we may embrace you in the bonds of Christian fellowship for what you are, brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ.  We are not offering to embrace the widespread apostasy of the post-Christian era, or the anything-goes theology that approves every sort of abomination and corruption known to man: these things we openly condemn.  If we offend it is out of concern that this fracturing of Christianity be ended, and the divisions between us be peacefully resolved.  Nevertheless, when we perceive the Blood of Christ active in your life, we have no concern that you are called Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, or anything else.  The pure Blood of Christ and the evidence of your sincere faith already assures us that you are our brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter what our differences are.

Here Is The Nature of Human Organizations.

Human organizations, like human individuals, fall into sin.  This is frequently due to the sin of a prominent leader.  However, God is fully capable of punishing such sin, and bringing about the gift or repentance, both to individuals, and to great nations.

We have only to remember the history of the Israelites to prove the certainty and universality of this truth.  The history of the Israelites does not hang upon their evil behavior alone, for God is faithful, and His rich mercy is everlasting.  How many times did the Israelites fail in the wilderness, even under the leadership of such saints as Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and Caleb.  Yet, no sooner had these faithful leaders fallen asleep in God, than the Israelites fell repeatedly into gross sin: Chushan–rishathaim; Eglon; Jabin and Sisera; Oreb and Zeeb, Zebah and Zalmunna, the four princes of the Midianites; Abimelech; the Ammonites; and the Philistines all conquered and oppressed the Israelites.  They fell in at least six cycles of gross sin.  Yet, each time God showed mercy and raised up deliverers: Othniel; Ehud and Shamgar; Deborah, Barak, and Jael; Gideon; Jotham, Tola, and Jair; Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon; Samson, Eli, and Samuel.  Finally, after the failure of Saul, God raised up David, and Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant was restored.

But even then, after Solomon there were many kings: some good, some extremely wicked.  The kingdom was divided.  Israel was dispersed throughout the Assyrian Empire.  Judah was displaced to Babylon, when God deserted them.

Yet even in their despair and punishment they learned to stop serving idols.  And after the Glory of God had departed, he sent them comforters: Ezekiel, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.  Then finally, in the fullness of time the Christ came to save His people from their sins.

And yet we have to this very day, the promise that Good is not done with Israel.[5]

So, in the nature of earthly churches, we shall not be surprised to see them fail in sin, yet rise in repentance, for God is rich in His great mercy.  Nor will we be surprised to see these earthly churches fall in the clutches of evil leaders: false popes, false apostles, false bishops and corrupt archbishops, wicked deacons, antichrists, and Satanists.  Wherever tares are sowed among the wheat; wherever the Church is in the world, but not of it; there evil will creep in.  It is naïve to think otherwise.  The cost of freedom is eternal vigilance.  Yet, even though a church has fallen into sin, does not mean that it is lost.  These failures are part and parcel of our earthly testing.  And such churches may still rise in renewed repentance and forgiveness.

We have nothing but respect for the Roman Catholic Church.  Yet, she has stumbled many times: what of it.  She is our sister: we pray for her, we seek her best interests, and she continues to show flashes of God’s Glory in her.  She has been faithful, where other churches have failed.

We have nothing but respect for the Orthodox Church.  Yet, to suppose that her hands are perfectly clean is absurd.  All the abominations of the West abide in her: what of it.  She is our sister: we pray for her, we seek her best interests, and we freely hope for God’s absolution.  We do not continue to oppress her with railing accusations, and hard-hearted, obstinate failure to forgive.

We have respect for Protestant churches, as well.  However, the universe does not have sufficient words to describe their failures: what of it.  These are our sisters: we pray for them, even for the ones that have fallen in great evil, we seek their best interests, and we eagerly hope for their restitution.

Is The Church Flawless and Perfect?

Yes, absolutely, The Church in heaven, even with her earthly membership is perfect and flawless.  She is perfect and flawless only because Christ makes her so.[6]  There is only one perfect Church.

There are no perfect earthly churches.  No earthly church can claim uninterrupted purity.  All have sinned and fall short of God’s Glory.  Every member of every earthly church is a sinner.  The solution to this entangled web of deception is not to erase one another from our diptychs.  The solution is repentance, forgiveness, absolution, and restoration to fellowship.  We must learn to wash each other’s feet.[7]

We provide a link to a brief overview of Church history.[8]  Many such studies are available.  We agree with the basic historical construct of this study, but we disagree with its conclusion.

This particular study emphasizes the failures of the Roman Catholic Church, which are many.  Rome is an easy target.  Yet, we cannot conceive of The Church in the absence of the See of Paul and Peter.

However, the same study implies that Eastern skirts are clean.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  This study draws the conclusion that the East is The Church in all its purity.  With this we disagree.

All churches on earth have been soiled by corruption; the solution is repentance, and forgiveness.  There is no room for this, we’re The Church, sort of arrogance here: this sort of hubris and pride solves nothing.  We reject the megalomania of both East and West wherever it is found.  In the words of Bilbo Baggins, “This is Madness.”  The corrupted church on earth today abides by Thorin’s rubric, “Your kind will never understand war, hobbit.  This is WAR!”[9]

Is The Church Dependent On Apostolic Succession?

Yes, Apostolic Succession is essential: but the only reliable records are kept in heaven.

Others assert that some churches are no churches because they have inadequate credentials.  The book of Judges is filled with the stories of illegitimate children, outcasts, and unwanted, who God raised up to save Israel from all his troubles.  An illegitimate child is still a child, in God’s eyes.  The early church is noted as picking up deserted, orphaned babies from fields; raising them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, when their human parents abandoned them, leaving them to die.

A baptised person, without a certificate of baptism, is still a baptized person, in God’s eyes.  God is able to raise up children for Abraham from rocks.[10]  Those who pride themselves in their titles and credentials may be surprised to find themselves cut off, and unwanted, illegitimate outcasts grafted in.[11]  Titles and credentials do not a Christian church make, but an assembly of circumcised hearts.[12]

The Church on Earth Has Its Membership in Heaven.

The definition of The Church is given quite clearly in Hebrews 12:22-29.  No one whom Christ includes in this group may be excluded by mere earthly authority.  No single earthly body, no matter how large constitutes the fullness of this Church as Hebrews defines it.  Nor can this Church be explained away as the heavenly Church Triumphant, for Hebrews 12:22 clearly says, “you have come.”  Since, indeed, we have come, Hebrews makes no distinction whatsoever between the Church Triumphant and the Church Militant, for both are One.  Hence we have the true and absolute definition of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and that written in letters so large that no one can mistake their meaning.  This is the truth.  This we proclaim.  This we shout from the mountaintops.  This is the Church.

This is the Catholic Church.
This is the Orthodox Church.
There is no other Church.

We Regret the Prefixing of Adjectives to The Church.

We Regret the Prefixing of Adjectives to The Church with one exception.  We are not ashamed to call The Church, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church: for indeed, She is built on such a foundation, as it stands written:

“Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; in Whom all the building fitly framed together grows unto an holy temple in the Lord: in Whom you also are built together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.”[13]

And in that same context, it clearly declares that we are “One.”[14]

Strong Medicine is Hard to Swallow.

Again, we do not wish to offend.  However, it should be obvious to all, that as soon as we have appended words like: Independent, Orthodox, Protestant, Roman, or any number of other adjectives in common use, that we have tampered with and destroyed the definition of The Church.

Let me repeat this because it is strong medicine and hard to swallow.  Nor is there any way to sugar coat this lesson.  A wise professor once said, “Any organization that claims to be The Church, probably isn’t.”

Independent churches are not the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church: they are seriously divided into roughly 30,000 denominations, and ought to be considering how they might come together as loving brothers and sisters to confess “One Lord, One faith, One baptism.”[15] 

Orthodox churches are not the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church: they assert that they are The Church, but this assertion is preposterous, since the promise to Abraham was “to all the families of the earth.”[16] 

Protestant churches are not the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church: they don’t usually make assertions; instead, they hide behind some false idea of spiritual unity.[17]

Roman Catholic churches are not the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church: they assert that they are The Church, but this assertion is equally preposterous, since the prophecies of Daniel to fill the whole earth cannot be denied.[18]

Indeed, all these churches put together cannot hope to fulfill the glorious totality defined by The Church.  It should be clear from this that we have a lot of work left to do, The Church is not yet complete, and we would be a lot better off if we could do this work together.

Is The Church Hierarchical?

Well yes, as a matter of fact, she is.  However, her hierarchy is one of humility and not of dominance.[19]  Every Christian has received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.  The highest-ranking church office on earth is the priesthood of the Laity.  The fundamental structure of church organization is the Collegiality of the Laity: Congregational structure.  However, such churches have every right to choose the details of their form of government.  Nevertheless, all such earthly forms must bow to the Lord Jesus Christ, their King, and build their structure on the only foundation of Apostles and Prophets.

Is The Church Liturgical?

Certainly, The Church is liturgical.  The details of that liturgy are fully specified in Revelation.  Christ opens the Book, Christ preaches the sermon, Christ conducts the baptism, Christ wages war with His enemies casting fire down upon them.  Blessed are they who are burned a little, and thereby find repentance.  We need to give more serious thought to Revelation.

Is The Church a Physical or Spiritual Union?

Assuredly, The Church is fastened together by an invisible spiritual bond.  Nevertheless, it is corrupt to maintain that the result is not physical.  The Church of Hebrews 12:22-29 is both visible and audible.  The Church of Revelation is both visible and audible.  Her Savior took on real, literal human flesh and was Crucified on a real, literal wooden cross with nails.  He is the One Whom we have touched.[20]  Saint Thomas based his faith on hard evidence.[21]  There is no room for Existentialism in The Church.  The Apostles and Prophets were real, literal people.  I am my real, literal brother’s keeper.  I am not free to say, “Depart, be warmed and filled.”[22]  When I leave the Communion Table, my obligation of love to The Church is not fulfilled: it is not ended, it has just begun.  I am bound in brotherly and sisterly love to every sincere Orthodox, Protestant, Roman, and other Christian person on earth and in heaven.  The effects of this bond are real, literal and mandatory.

To assert and hide behind the idea that The Church is an invisible, spiritual unity is a hopeless obfuscation, a cop out, a subterfuge, the avoidance of a real, literal responsibility within The Church.  They will know that we are Christians by the real, literal and tangible love we have for each other.[23]  The raw, honest kind of love that does not know how to pull punches, or to hide truth.

Compromise Only Leads to Annihilation.

I am not suggesting, not for a single moment, that we need to make compromises to get this done.  Many churches continue to use the word Christian, but are so compromised that they have in fact left the faith.  There is good reason for churches to cling to historic dogma.  There is good reason for Roman Catholics to adhere to the Magisterium.  These things protect us from gross heresy, but these things are far less than perfect.

In some respect or other, all of us are out of step with The Church in heaven, and it behooves us to hunt down our own errors and destroy them.  If we do this diligently and faithfully we will eventually come together because all of us will have taken seriously, our duty to draw closer to, and get in step with heaven.

As a starting place, we might start to listen to each other’s complaints.  If my brother has a complaint against me, maybe it has some credibility.  Maybe I have sinned against my brother in some subtle way that I don’t yet understand.  As a starting place, we might stop throwing rocks at each other.  The amount of gross disrespect floating around popular Christianity is truly amazing.

I have been blunt with you in the quest for truth.  Nevertheless, I hope you never think that I do not respect you.  The only reason I write is because of my deep love and respect for you.  The only reason I write is to seek the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.  This is my Holy Grail.  Compromise can never find it.

Sowers of Discord Do Exist Among Us.

It is sad to observe, but there are elements within the churches who would not seek peace under any circumstances.  There are elements so bent on maintaining division that they would not repent if the Lord Jesus Christ Himself stood in our midst, and said to their face, “You are wrong.”  Such obstinacy is hard to comprehend and even harder to deal with.  Nevertheless, if we let it go unaddressed, like any other weed it will continue to grow, until it has taken over the whole garden.


But you have come to mount Sion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, who are written in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, which speaks better things than that of Abel.

See that you do not refuse Him that speaks, for if they did not escape, who refused Him that spake on earth; much more, we shall not escape, if we turn away from Him that speaks from heaven: Whose voice then shook the earth: but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also the heavens.”

And this word, “Yet once more,” signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Wherefore, we receiving a kingdom, which cannot be moved.  Let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: for our God is a consuming fire.[24]

This is the truth.  This we proclaim.  This we shout from the mountaintops.  This is the Church.

This is the Catholic Church.
This is the Orthodox Church.
There is no other Church.
This Church is without flaw or blemish.

[1] The word Catholic simply means Universal.  Hebrews 12:22-29 describes the Universal Church.  We must not give up a perfectly good word, like Catholic, simply because it carries distasteful connotations for some people.
[2] The word Orthodox simply means Right Glory, Honor, or Worship.  Hebrews 12:22-29 describes the Glory of God as it is Rightly expressed in The Church.  Again, we do not intend to give up a perfectly useful word, like Orthodox.
[3] Hebrews 12:22-29 KJV Paraphrased:
[4] Hebrews 6:19
[5] Romans 11
[6] Ephesians 5:27
[7] John 13:14 — Foot washing is a continual renewal of the Sacrament of Baptism.  It signifies the cleansing that proceeds from confession and absolution.  The Apostles are to remain accountable to one another, by maintaining the unbroken bond of forgiveness.  Earthly churches that insist on a broken bond, are playing with fire, and will be burned.  Ironically, many tracts portray The Church with all her branches severed, save one: this is an abomination.  Christ severs.  Christ grafts in again.  It is not for man to determine.  The goal of all church discipline is forgiveness and restitution; severance is an abject and bitter failure.  Yes, Judas was severed.
[9] — J. R. R. Tolkien was a devout Roman Catholic:
[10] Matthew 3:9; Luke 3:8; 19:40
[11] Romans 11:23
[12] Romans 2:29
[13] Ephesians 2:19-22
[14] Ephesians 2:14, 15, 16, and 18
[15] Ephesians 4:5
[16] Genesis 12:3
[17] Isn’t it clear from the fact that “we” are included and subject to judgement by “consuming fire” that The Church is a bodily organization, with far more than merely spiritual ties.  The resurrection of the body should tell us that even The Church in heaven is both a physical and spiritual organization.  I am my brother’s keeper on this earth, as well as in heaven, and I have no authority whatsoever to explain away my brotherly or sisterly duties using the words spiritual unity.  It is inescapable that The Church is a physical, visible entity, not merely a spiritual one.
[18] Daniel 2:35, 44
[19] Matthew 23:11
[20] John 1:14; 1 John 1:1-3
[21] John 20:28
[22] James 2:16
[23] John 13:35 — The hymn “They'll Know We Are Christians” was written by a Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Peter R. Scholtes:'ll_Know_We_Are_Christians
[24] Hebrews 12:22-29 KJV Paraphrased:
[25] Ephesians 5:27

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